Attica Bank – Reconstitution of the Board of Directors – Representation of powers
Attica Bank S.A. announces that its Board of Directors, during its today’s meeting, August 31st, 2022, further to the Minutes dated 29.08.2022 of the BoD Members Nomination and Remuneration Committee, elected as new executive member of the Board of Directors Mrs. Eleni Vrettou further to the resignation of the CEO and executive member of the BoD Mr. Michail Andreadis.
It is noted that following the election of the abovementioned member, the following conditions are met: i) the conditions of article 5 of Law 4706/2020 in conjunction with the resolutions of the General Meeting of the Shareholders dated 07.07.2021 in relation to the required number of independent members of the BoD and ii) the requirements of article 3 par.1.b of Law 4706/2020 in relation to the adequate representation by gender in the Bank’s Board of Directors.
The aforementioned election is valid for the reminder of the term of office of the Board of Directors, i.e. until 01.09.2023 and will be announced by the Board of Directors at the next General Meeting of the Shareholders, pursuant to the law and the Bank’s Articles of Association.
Following the above election, the Board of Directors was reconstituted as follows:
1. Konstantinos Makedos, son of Georgios, Chairman of the BoD, NonExecutive Member
2. Avraam (Minos) Moissis, son of Esdra, Vice-Chairman of the BoD, NonExecutive Member, Member of the Financial Stability Fund
3. Eleni Vrettou, daughter of Christos, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Member
4. Irini Maragkoudaki, daughter of Ioannis, Executive Director, Executive Member
5. Alexios Pelekis, son of Dionysios, Non-Executive Member
6. Markos Koutis, son of Nikolaos, Non-Executive Member
7. Patrick Horend, son of Dieter, Independent Non-Executive Member
8. Charikleia Vardakari, daughter of Nikolaos, Independent Non-Executive Member
9. Ioannis Zografakis, son of Georgios, Independent Non-Executive Member
10. Aimilios Giannopoulos, son of Polykarpos, Independent Non-Executive Member
11. Grigorios Zarifopoulos, son of Dionysios, Independent Non-Executive Member
The Chief Executive Officer Mrs. Vrettou will assume her executive duties effective from 16.09.2022.
At today’s meeting, the Board of Directors unanimously decided that the definition of powers of representation and commitment of the Bank should be maintained as decided and described in BoD minutes numbered 1373/24-03-2022 (publication number of GEMI 2875056), with the powers and powers of representation therein CEO to be attributed to the new CEO.
The composition of the Committees of the Board of Directors is maintained as applicable.