New burdens on engineers

Dear Members, 

Our industry has experienced the crisis first and in the toughest way, but at the same time it is the one who understands the value and the decisive power it has to stimulate the real economy. It is the critical multiplier of the Greek economy.

2017 undoubtedly has a dual character, as hopes and dangers coexist, creating a fluid environment that does not allow complacency, but which leaves open at the same time the outcome of our industry’s efforts to survive and become a lever of growth and creation.

Hopes are met in the common perception of the industry’s promotional power and in the estimates – which we all want to confirm to the utmost degree – that the Greek economy is back in a phase of development.

Hopes are also found in the common place that is being synthesized by the efforts, in order to acquire a new spatial planning that takes into account the current conditions and needs. And in combination with addressing bureaucracy, it will actually contribute to restarting the real economy. In order to facilitate entrepreneurship and promote national economic planning with projects and investments of high added value.

While the dangers appear in the strong anchorages and pathogens of Greek reality, the distortions and problems posed by the conflicting aspirations of the Institutions, and the relaxed sense of time that many times and many prevail.

For our industry, in 2017, in addition, shapes a new reality after the abolition of EPCPF.

On the one hand, our insurance company, which followed the mandatory course imposed by the creation of the Single Social Insurance Institution. Despite our controversy. Despite our documented and even actuarial objections. Unfortunately, once again, our industry has not been heard.

The smooth functioning of the EMFF but also the rationalization of the insurance contributions paid by self-employed persons are both critical challenges and necessary prerequisites for the transition to the new regime with the least possible turbulence. In order for freelancers to gain the right to survive. Because sustainable and active engineering can not sustainably grow.

On the other hand, the creation of EPWCF, the Engineers and Public Works Constructors Fund, as the universal successor of EPCPF in the area of ​​Credit and Guarantee, was a bright exception that was neither self-evident nor easy. You have been fighting and fighting – let me say – even today.

There is no doubt that it has been a major success for our industry that everyone now understands. It is an acknowledgment of the size of its contribution to the country’s economic cycle and, on the other hand, it is an important tool for its support, upgrading and growth.

The new entity, EPWCF, includes more than 31,000 loyal engineers and public works contractors, combined to more than 6,000 Technical Companies.

The State took the first step, but in order to successfully complete it, its pace must be directly attributed to the Fund and the rest of its property. As explicitly stated in its approved viability study.

Otherwise, his work can not be achieved, the industry can not be supported, and this step-by-step not only undermines strategic decisions but also puts an irrevocable danger to a sector that all claim to recognize its vital role.

Everyone understands that technical matters, though not of no importance, such as drafting and approving past balance sheets, may not delay the transfer of the remaining assets.

Although the EPWCF administration is not responsible for mistakes and omissions of the past, it has already pushed and accelerated with its positive contribution to the completion of these processes. It is not, of course, to operate irresponsibly until the state fulfills its obligations in full. No pretext, no one is allowed to postpone the implementation of the law that provides for its creation.

I do not want to dwell on the difficulties. Their recording is the necessary condition for overcoming them.

I want to stand in the steadfast position of our administration and our employees to work hard so that the opportunities created by the creation of EPWCF for engineers and small and medium-sized technical companies are multiplied.

In the near future, we advance our staffing, upgrade our electronic infrastructure and maximize the response of our guaranteeing mechanism. Our design is our interconnection with European networks for the acquisition of know-how and the creation of synergies. Our goal is to broaden our activities in order to truly support our needs and to contribute effectively to innovative services in the work of the whole technical world.

Our ambition is to transform EPWCF into a standard, active and sustained supporter of our members.

Yours sincerely

Konstantinos Makedos
